PART 1: The Truth Unfolds...

I come from an exceptionally unusual background. My father, a brilliant lawyer and entrepreneur, was a 5’2” Brooklyn Jew who went to Columbia at age 13. My Mother, who was raised Catholic on a Minnesota chicken farm, left home at age 17 and became a successful New York model and, later, a recovering alcoholic. At 24 she met my father, a 49-year-old multi-millionaire. He was the economic advisor and international lawyer to many corporations and high-profile people, including the Shah of Iran. They lived an eccentric, globetrotting life as some of the upper wealthy, we're talking houses all over the world with...
Chinoiserie Obsession

Watch The Video Below to Learn More: View this post on Instagram How this collection came to be . . . . A post shared by Davina Perl Fine Art (@davinaperlfineart) on Jul 6, 2020 at 12:05pm PDT How this collection came to be: I have been photographing blue and white porcelain for years. I am obsessed with it. I am not exactly sure why, but I am drawn to it like a magnet. Studying the shapes and forms as I have been painting them has been a very peaceful and serene experience. I have them all...